Coaching Cards are the best tool inside Kaizo for Team Lead and Agent communication.
Enabling you to leave appreciation notes, set individual tasks, and improve performance — Coaching Cards make an irreplaceable tool for you to stay in real-time contact with your Agents!
For more information on how a Coaching Card can be utilised in the best way, please visit this link.
How to create a Coaching Card?
You have 2 ways of creating a Coaching Card — through Agents Scorecard by clicking on the result for a chosen metric or directly through Team House in an Agent's profile.
How to create Coaching Cards directly from the Agent Scorecard :
1. Access the Agent Scorecard through the Scorecard building
2. Select the Agent you would like to view from the drop-down menu
3. Hover over the score in the Agent Scorecard in any week to spot a coachable moment
You can also use this to give appreciation to the agent for a job well done!
4) You will notice that in the pop-up called a "Coaching Card", Kaizo pre-fills all the important information around the metric: The metric, the score, the week, and the number of channels selected for this particular observation.
You can now focus on the personal coaching journey you would like to give to the Agent or make a note of things to be discussed in the next 1:1
5) The action item will automatically be added to the Agent's performance coaching journey in their Team House. Once the Agent sees the Card, they can ask for additional information, update you on their progress or let you know once they're done.
How to create Coaching Cards inside Team House :
1. Access the Team House and choose the Agent's profile
2. When the Profile of the agent opens, you will see all the existing Coaching Cards and an option to add a new one:
3. When adding a new item, you will have option to create a Coaching Card or 1:1 Meeting with the Agent. Click on the Coaching Card.
4. While the Coaching Card created from the Scorecard is usually pre-filled, the Coaching Card from the Team House gives you the opportunity to personalise your communication in any way you want!
Once again, the Coaching Card will be automatically added to the Agent's performance journey in their Team House, allowing the Agent to ask for support where needed, update you on their progress, and mark off completed items.
Important to note: This is a personal space for you and your agent. The agent will ONLY have access to their own performance journey. As a Team Lead, you will have access to the whole performance journey of your Agent. Keep things confidential!
Difference between the two Coaching Cards:
Both ways to create a Coaching Card are mostly identical. The only difference is that when you are selecting the exact result from Agents Scorecard, you automatically get pre-filled information about the result you are discussing.
The Coaching Card created inside the Team House will not carry this information and, therefore, you will be able to personalise your message and discuss the Agent's performance overall, not just on a specific metric.
What information can I include in the Coaching Card?
Create a safe space for feedback and growth! 🌱
By default, you have the option to fill in the following information
Title: Clearly name your Coaching Card. Example: "🏆 Achieving 100% CSAT!" or "📘 Company Procedures Review"
Explanation: Briefly explain the topic. Example: "Going above and beyond for customers. Keep it up!" or "Let's fix recurring Procedure errors."
Coaching Advice: Offer guidance and tips. Example: "Listen attentively to customer needs for top-notch support!" or "Double-check Procedures for accuracy."
Task: Assign improvement tasks as needed. Example: "Review procedures in our Knowledge Base" or "Clarify ticket details before proceeding."
Tickets:As a reference, provide all the ticket numbers that you feel will help the Agent understand where the mistake was made or let them take a look at a colleague's ticket to understand what they can do better next time.
- Comments: Add extra info or open dialogue- your Agents can leave comments for you as well.
Now you are all set to create your first Coaching Card! For more tips on how to use this tool in the best way possible visit this link!
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