It is important to be reminded and keep track of the important tasks that we need to complete within the week. Inbox will help you to always keep up-to-date on tasks that were forgotten or new items that were created.
🔭 Where can I find it?
Inbox is located right inside the Kaizo village, on the bottom bar of the screen:
🧐 What I would be notified about?
- If a new week starts and no Missions are set up for your team, you will be notified about it and will have the option to set up the Missions right from the Inbox!
Click on the latest notification, check the week to confirm that this is the ongoing week, and check the agents that do not have Missions and set those up
You can always change or adjust Missions inside the Missions Centre! - Be notified and change the status of the recently created Coaching Cards and scheduled 1:1 meetings with the agents.
Review the card right inside Inbox and change the status to Resolved as soon as the card should be closed! All of this without going into the Team House.
⭐️ Pro-tip: Use the top bar to filter the notifications
Review the Notifications per:
- Acknowledgment: All, Read or Unread
- Assignees: All or Specific agent
- Owners: All or specific users who triggered the notification (depending on your Role)
- Status: All, Acknowledged, Dismissed, Resolved
Always keep updated and reminded of your weekly tasks with Inbox inside Kaizo!
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