What does this metric mean?
Tickets Solved per Hour metric shows how many client requests an agent solves on average per Zendesk working hour.
Which tickets count as a solved tickets?
All tickets that are marked as solved will be counted, whether they contain a public comment, an internal note or no comment.
🧮 How do we calculate this metric?
Tickets Solved/ h = Total number of tickets solved / Zendesk hours
Tickets Solved/ h metric is calculated by dividing the total number of tickets solved by the Zendesk hours.
🧐 What information will I see when drilling into the Metric?
Every metric in Agent's Scorecard has a drill-in option to see some more insights on the results.
When drilling into the Tickets solved /h metric you will see the following dashboard:
- Tickets solved / h
- Average Solution Time
- Time to Solve
- Amount of individual tickets solved
Tickets solved / h
Check how many customer requests an agent solves on average per Zendesk working hour and compare the results with the average team results.
Overview the results for each day of the week and see if the agent has some days with more tickets solved per hour than others.
Click on the result of one of the days to get the list of all tickets that were solved that day.
Average Solution Time
This metric tracks an agent’s time efficiency with respect to resolving a ticket on average. This metric is tracked only for closed tickets.
Time To Solve
Time to Solve Metrics tracks the time efficiency of an agent with respect to resolving a ticket. This metric tracks the total duration from the ticket creation date to each Resolved state of the ticket. The metrics is counted for each agent that updated the status to Resolved.
Amount of individual tickets solved
This bar chart of agent vs team is created using values of Total Tickets Solved metric. The values are distributed based on the selected interval type. (day, week, month).
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