🧮 How do we calculate this?
One-Touch Rate tracks how many times a ticket has been solved with just a single touch (one Public Reply or Chat Message) from the agent. This metric is calculated per each "solved" state of a ticket.
💡 Example
Scenario 1: The ticket was solved with one Public Reply/Chat Message and never re-opened
FCR: 1.0 - One-Touch Rate will be "Yes"
Scenario 2: The ticket was solved with one Public Reply/Chat Message and then reopened
FCR: 1.0 (One-Touch Rate will be "Yes") and then FCR: 0.0 (One-Touch Rate will be "No"). (both values will be saved in the system, i.e the old 1.0 will not be overwritten by the new 0.0 )
Scenario 3: Ticket C: Agent X Solved the ticket with one Public Reply/Chat Message and then it got re-opened and handled by Agent Y
Agent_X_FCR: 1.0 (One-Touch Rate will be "Yes") and then FCR: 0.0 (One-Touch Rate will be "No"). (both values will be saved in the system) and then even if Agent Y solves it with one PR they get FCR 0.0 because the ticket has one re-open state
🙋 So what does this mean for me?
One-Touch rate is a great metric to track the percentage of cases you/your team is resolving with one response!
🧐 What information will I see when drilling into the Metric?
Every metric in Agent's Scorecard has a drill-in option to see some more insights on the results.
When drilling into the One-Touch Rate (FCR) metric you will see the following dashboards:
- Percentage of One-Touch Tickets per each day/week/month
- Amount of One-Touch Tickets
- Percentage of One-Touch Tickets
Check how many one-touch tickets were supported by your agents and compare those to the team's average result for the same metric.
Overview the trendline of the results and see if the agent is consistent or has some days with more tickets resolved with only one touch.
Click on the result of one of the days to get the list of all the tickets and the status if they were resolved with 1 touch or not.
❗️Note: Click on the ticket number to open the pop-up and check the whole conversation and ticket details.
❗️Note x2: Click on the "value" to first see the tickets that were resolved with more than 1 Public Reply or Chat Message. - Amount of One-Touch Tickets
Quickly understand the number of actual tickets that were resolved with a single touch each of the days of the week.
Compare those to the average team result to understand how well the agent performs compared to his colleagues.
More about the drill-in feature can be found here.
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