First Reply Time (FRT) represents the time between when a ticket is initially created by a customer and when an agent sends the first public comment.
🧮 How do we calculate this?
Formula: Time of first public comment - Time ticket is created = First Reply Time |
We calculate the average of an agent's First Reply Time in two ways:
Mean: The total sum of your FRTs ÷ the amount of FRTs you achieved. For example, if you achieved FRTs of 45, 50, and 85 minutes, it would be calculated by 45 + 50 + 85 ÷ 3 = 60 mins is your Mean Average first Reply Time.
Median: The middle sum of your total number of First Reply Times. For example, if you achieved FRTs of 45, 50, 65, 85, and 120 minutes, your Median Average First Reply Time is 65 minutes.
🙋 So what does this mean for me?
A low Avg. First Reply Time means that your response time between a customer inquiry and your reply is fast. Therefore, customers don't have to wait long for a first point of contact which positively impacts customer satisfaction and can allow you to resolve the ticket more quickly.
🧐 What information will I see when drilling into the Metric?
Every metric in Agent's Scorecard has a drill-in option to see some more insights on the results.
When drilling into the First Reply Time mean/median metric you will see the following dashboards:
- Average first reply time in min. per each day/week/month
- Average first reply time per ticket
- Average first reply time in min.
Check the first reply time of your agent's responses and compare those to the team's average result for the same metric.
Overview the trendline of the results and see if the agent is consistent or has some days with longer first reply times than others.
Click on the result of one of the days to get the list of all the tickets and their first reply time to see which ticket had the highest first reply time.
❗️Note: Click on the ticket number to open the pop-up and check the whole conversation and ticket details.
❗️Note x2: Click on the "date" to sort the tickets in chronological order - the tickets are sorted by the "value" (or the length of the first reply time) of the tickets from longest to quickest. - Average first reply time per ticket
Quickly understand the distribution of the first reply time and detect the most common first reply time of the agent.
Focus your attention on the tickets that had unusually low or high first reply times and review these tickets thoroughly - your agents might spend too little or too much time when replying to the customers and it might affect their QA and CSAT scores.
More about the drill-in feature can be found here.
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