You ask — we deliver!
One of the most requested features is finally going live!
You can start QA rating your tickets inside the Zendesk environment through the Kaizo Quick Access (KQA) tab!
The QA feature inside the Kaizo Platform became key for every QA and TL team.
Being able to check any conversation handled by agents made the work of the QA team easy and interesting — you never know what type of ticket you get to check today.
But what about those that spend their working hours mostly inside the Zendesk, going through, checking, and supporting the tickets and agents?
While going through the queue of the tickets inside the ZD, TLs or part-time QA raters might notice some tickets that would be useful for your agents to be checked. It normally would take a few extra steps to do that:
- Copy the ticket number
- Enter the Kaizo Village and open the QA house
- Locate the correct agent and the week — open the queue of the tickets for the QA rating
- Swap any ticket with the ticket that you would like to QA rate
- Start your rating
Now, you can also do it additionally in the ZD environment with only 3 steps!
- Open the KQA and select the tab "Rate ticket"
- Select the week, agent, and the QA template which you want to use for your rating
- Start your rating right away
🚨 New feature Alert — The Submit button for the QA rating is now released!
If you think that your agent has done a great job — Submit a Rating of 100 points without any criteria clicked!
This new feature will sprinkle around A LOT OF POSITIVE VIBES:
- Save time doing your QA ratings and get a cup of coffee, enjoy all this extra time ☕️
- Do QA rating in real time for the past and present conversations ⏰
- Make sure your agent gets informed about the mistakes immediately and fixes them even faster! 🛠
- Reduce the possibility of human error and increase the prospect of human happiness! 🥳
- Kaizo makes it quick and accessible for everyone!
If you tried it out, liked it, or even LOVED it — let us know at!
Feel free to share your ideas about other things you would like to see inside the KQA tab!
Learn more about rating through KQA here!
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