When installing a Zendesk app, you're given an option of enabling role and group restrictions.
If your agents cannot see the Kaizo icon in their Zendesk, please check your app access settings in Zendesk. In the Zendesk app settings, you can choose which roles the Kaizo app is turned on for.
Please follow the steps listed below :
1) Click on the cog on the left of the screen in Zendesk :
2) Click on manage under apps :
3) Hover over the Kaizo app and click on the cog and a list will appear :
4) In the drop down, choose the option - change settings :
5) You can enable Role restrictions, Group restrictions, or both, and then enter the names of the groups or roles that you want to be able to access the Kaizo app.
6) Once the changes are made, you can click update at the bottom of the page and your changes will be saved.
Once these changes are made, your agents will see the Kaizo icon appear in their Zendesk
For information on restricting access to a Zendesk app, check out this article.
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