After checking the team's and individual agents' results, the next step is to dive deep into how these results were achieved. Root Cause dashboard will help you with this task!
🚨 When overviewing a team in the QA house, the Root Cause Dashboard also shows the team's results.
When selecting the individual agent (simply click on the name of the agent on the "Agents" dashboard), the dashboard updates to show the individual agent's results.
What information can be found in this dashboard?
1. Impact of each scorecard/category/criteria selected during the QA rating
By looking at this Dashboard and the Impact results, you can right away understand how the IQS result was achieved. By reviewing this data you can understand the most and least impactful criteria.
Of course, these results should be reviewed differently based on the QA Scorecard that you are reviewing - Deducting or Accumulating .
👉 For the deducting QA scorecard the criteria or category with the highest Impact with highlighting the biggest opportunity point of your team/agent. The higher the impact of the criteria, the more points were deducted from the final IQS score.
In this case, to locate the criteria with the most negative effect on our IQS, we will look for the highest impact, while for the criteria that are being achieved better by your agents, we look for the lower impact.
👉 Meanwhile for the accumulating QA scorecard the picture looks a bit different - in case the category or criteria was not selected during the QA rating, it means that the agent failed it. As higher the impact of the criteria, more points were added to the final IQS score.
Therefore, to define the criteria that should be prioritized in the next training session, we will look for the lower impact score, and the criteria that your agents always comply with should have the highest impact score.
⭐️ Don't forget about the trendline! It will help you to define which opportunity point is more recent and what mistakes made by agents are no longer happening. Check this before planning your next session and avoid coaching on the mistakes that have already been improved!
2. Number of times criteria was selected per criteria/category/scorecard during the QA rating
If your focus is the repeating mistakes of the agents or the team - this dashboard will be a go-to choice!
The information is very straightforward - how many times during the QA rating have we selected specific criteria, however, once again, it should be reviewed differently based on the QA scorecard used.
👉 For the deducting QA scorecard the higher number of the criteria clicked, the higher priority it should become for the next coaching session. Each clicked criterion will represent 1 mistake and that is how you can define between the criteria and category with the most and least mistakes.
👉 While for the accumulating QA scorecard, once again, the data should be reviewed oppositely - the most clicked criteria is the one that the agent manages to achieve the best! the least times the criteria are selected during the QA rating, the higher priority it should become for the next 1:1 session with the agent.
⭐️ Don't forget about the trendline! Do you want to understand if the mistakes started to happen lately, or was it the case at the beginning of the month, but the agent improved since?
3. Number of checked criteria and their impact during the QA rating
Now it's when we gather all of the knowledge gotten before and apply it when planning your next 1:1 session with the agent.
Of course, the choice of which data to rely on is up to every QA Admin and Team Lead. Kaizo Sensei advises reviewing all of the information together to define the most meaningful training or coaching session.
❗️Note, let's say you rely strictly on the Impact of the criteria, you might miss the repeating mistakes occurring with other metrics. 1 big mistake can have a much higher Impact on the IQS than 10 small ones and that is when the Criteria clicked result comes in handy.
❗️It is also important not to forget about the Impact when reviewing the Criteria clicked result. Imagine you focus strictly on the repeating mistakes that happen in Grammar, missing absolutely that there were 2 cases of the GDPR breach that had to be taken care of right away!
⭐️ By reviewing Impact and Criteria together, you are making sure to define the topic that should have the highest priority on the next coaching session of your agents.
Let us know what opportunity points you were able to detect using this Dashboard through
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